October 06, 2004
Happy Anniverary, My Love

Two years ago today, I married the perfect guy for me, the guy anyone who knew me would have said didn't exist. If I'd never met this perfect guy, I would have spent my entire life happily single. Instead, I'm spending it happily married.

I slide the ring onto Al's finger

We've become our own little unit of two (soon to be three!). Amazingly, this man managed to meet my toughest criterion: he's someone whose company I enjoy as much as being alone.

the kiss

He was brave enough to take on someone who could be described as difficult, tempermental, impatient, and high-maintenance. He supports me emotionally, physically, and financially—something I never thought I'd need or even want. Now I thank him for it every day.

just married

He warms my heart, makes me laugh until I can't breathe, encourages me on the ice and on the golf course, and assures me every day that I'll be a great mom.

contemplating dim sum in San Francisco

This man can discuss politics, science, technology, baseball, football, finances.... In short, he can captivate me for hours with his brain—and even longer with his face.

discussing the news over coffee at Starbucks

Thank you, my love, for everything you've given me and everything you've been to me. And most of all, thanks for saying Yes. I'm looking forward to growing old with you.

Posted by Lori at October 06, 2004 01:41 PM

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