
Oy, I had a crappy game last night. Crappy as in didn't quite live up to the loose, in-control feeling I had during the warmup, took a few things too personally, and totally lost my cool a couple times.

I didn't play *that* badly, and at another game I might have just thought, "bummer, didn't score" and moved on. In this game, though, I felt like I was not only not living up to my own expectations, but everyone else's, too. It's probably mostly (or even completely) my imagination, but it seemed like I could feel, and sometimes hear, the disappointment oozing from the bench. Result? Confidence = gone. I wasn't completely useless with the pall of disappointment hanging over me, which is a huge improvement over past seasons. But I was edgy and defensive and mad at myself for most of the night... and a bit depressed and annoyed at myself in the morning for being edgy and defensive and mad. Reminds me of morning-after-drinking-to-excess remorse, when you feel a little under the weather, a little depressed that all your buddies are gone, and a little mad that you did that to yourself.

I was hoping to find some joy in practice tonight (though, honestly, it *is* a little frustrating to see improvement in my shot, my skating, and my team play at practice, and yet still make STUPID moves and have no goals during games), but now I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to stay home and sleep. I've managed to contract the Beaner's cold, and I'm exhausted. Then again, it might be less taxing to go to practice than to stay home and single-parent the Beaner. Hmmm.

Whether I go or not, I plan to write about some drills we've been doing at practice that have seemed helpful. I'm still occasionally a "drill killer", as Megan says, but I've gotten the hang of more drills than I would've thought possible when I started with the Freeze, and Billy's been coming up with a few to address specific issues he's noticed during games lately. Look for video of Billy explaining the drills (and of the drills themselves) coming soon.

Posted by Lori in Freeze ~ Fall/Winter 2007 | February 25, 2008·04:39 PM


I feel you on seeing improvement in practice but then doing dumb things in games. Ugh. Sorry you had one of those games.

But I'm looking forward to the drills! I'm one of those freaky people who really enjoys drills (of course, I also enjoy standardized tests, so take what I say with a grain of salt.)

Posted by: Megan at March 2, 2008 2:15 PM

ok we all now know where those awesome drills got us... we ARE champions afterall... :)

it was fabulous to watch from the net during our games recently and actually SEE the drills come to life right before my eyes. i cheered and got excited and thought (sometimes saying aloud) "man, it's EXACTLY what we learned in practice last week!" or "whoah, billy JUST SHOWED US THAT!"

let's just say I'm glad i'm not the only one who loves it when a plan comes together! :)

Posted by: ghetto at March 17, 2008 8:43 PM

So true, @ghetto. I was shouting the same things from the bench -- "just like in practice! woo!" -- and it's one of the reasons I've been wanting to post about the drills Billy's been teaching us. I have videos to remind myself of what we did and why, so I'll have something to write about on the off-season. :-)

Posted by: Lori [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 17, 2008 9:46 PM