We Found a Rink

Just a quick update from Philadelphia: We found a rink at which to play pickup back in October, and we also found a league with its fall/winter season already in progress. In the end, we opted to take a season off—partly because we didn't want to force ourselves on an existing team, and partly because we had a bunch of travel and family gatherings planned through February.

We've gone to a few pickup (or "open hockey", as they're called here) sessions, where we've worked on our skills and tried to keep up with the 22 year-old hotshots. My backhand is getting damn good, and Al has finally figured out how to hit me with a pass. (He's always been able to pass to everyone else, but I've presented a problem. We decided it was because I tend to "kick it" when I see the puck carrier notice that I'm open... which means that the pass is often behind me.)

I think both of us prefer the warm-up period, when we work on individual skills and 1-on-1 drills, to the actual pickup. The skill levels are a bit too varied to make it competitive, and of course there's no such thing as team play—and often no such thing as an assist—in pickup. As a defensive forward/assist machine playing with/against semi-pro and college players, it often means I'm nothing more than a pylon. The one positive is that pickup does teach me to be more selfish with the puck (a good thing, in my case) and to shoot more often.

During our last pickup session I boosted my shooting confidence by going against a 7 year-old goalie; he was good, but not very big, so I wasn't as intimidated as I usually am by the monster in the net. I got a few backhanders in against him, as well as a couple five-holes and one over his shoulder. By the time the other goalie, a rather tall guy in his 20s got suited up, I was ready to take on anyone standing between me and the net. My first shot against him turned out to be my most amazing ever—I managed to fake him out and lift a backhander over his shoulder. The fact that he had to make an amazing save to stop it was almost as gratifying as if it had actually gone in.

Posted by Lori in | January 26, 2004·10:46 AM


Glad to see hockey entries again.

You wrote: "Al has finally figured out how to hit me with a pass. (He's always been able to pass to everyone else, but I've presented a problem. We decided it was because I tend to "kick it" when I see the puck carrier notice that I'm open... which means that the pass is often behind me.)"

Try holding your stick farther out in front of you in anticipation of the pass. Gives the passer a bigger target (especially on longer passes), creating more confidence on his part, and increasing the chance you'll be led correctly.

Hope this helps.

Posted by: Chuck at January 26, 2004 9:49 PM

Hi Lori
I'm so glad you guys have found an ice rink and play hockey again. The pick up almost sounds like the ones here at Vallco (Sunnyvale,CA) on Thursdays.
The good thing is, you will improve quickly if you play with more advanced players.

Here, everything is pretty much the same. Gang Green lost to the Ice Hawks last night, with the Bladerunners in DDDD, I have 18 points right now :)
and Black Adder in DDD is in first place.
We miss you both. If you ever visit San Jose, bring your gear with you, okay?
Good luck next season! Are you going to join the new team?
Inga DP

Posted by: Inga at February 11, 2004 3:06 PM